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Hides the top address bar in WebKit supported (iOS, Android) mobile devices.

  * Normalized hide address bar for iOS & Android
  * (c) Scott Jehl,
  * MIT License
(function( win ){
  var doc = win.document;

  // If there's a hash, or addEventListener is undefined, stop here
  if( !location.hash && win.addEventListener ){

    //scroll to 1
    window.scrollTo( 0, 1 );
    var scrollTop = 1,
      getScrollTop = function(){
        return win.pageYOffset || doc.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" && doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop || 0;

      //reset to 0 on bodyready, if needed
      bodycheck = setInterval(function(){
        if( doc.body ){
          clearInterval( bodycheck );
          scrollTop = getScrollTop();
          win.scrollTo( 0, scrollTop === 1 ? 0 : 1 );
      }, 15 );

    win.addEventListener( "load", function(){
        //at load, if user hasn't scrolled more than 20 or so...
        if( getScrollTop() < 20 ){
          //reset to hide addr bar at onload
          win.scrollTo( 0, scrollTop === 1 ? 0 : 1 );
      }, 0);
    } );
})( this );