Determine the internal JavaScript Class name of an object.
* Determine the internal JavaScript Class of an object.
* @param {Anything} obj Object to get the internal JavaScript Class of.
* @return {string}
* @example
* getType(undefined === "undefined"
* getType() === "undefined"
* getType(window.notDefined === "undefined"
* getType(null === "null"
* getType(true === "boolean"
* getType(new Boolean() === "boolean"
* getType(3 === "number"
* getType(function(){} === "function"
* getType("test" === "string"
* getType(new String("test") === "string"
* getType(/test/ === "regexp"
* getType(new Array() === "array"
* getType(new Error() === "error"
* getType(new Date() === "date"
* getType(Symbol() === "symbol"
* // Everything else returns "object" as its type.
function getType(obj) {
return Object.prototype.toString
.replace(/^\[object (.+)\]$/, "$1")