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Conditionally execute a command several times.

:: To execute given commands for the specified set:
for %<variable> in (<item_a item_b item_c>) do (<echo Loop is executed>)

:: To iterate over a given range of numbers:
for /l %<variable> in (<from>, <step>, <to>) do (<echo Loop is executed>)

:: To iterate over a given list of files:
for %<variable> in (<file_a.ext file_b.ext file_c.ext>) do (<echo Loop is executed>)

:: To iterate over a given list of directories:
for /d %<variable> in (<directory_a/ directory_b/ directory_c/>) do (<echo Loop is executed>)

:: To perform a given command in every directory:
for /d %<variable> in (*) do (if exist %<variable> <echo Loop is executed>)