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C# extension methods for working with XML documents.

using System.Linq;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace Extensions
    public static class XMLExtensions
        public static XElement GetNode(this XContainer element, string path)
            path = path.Trim().Trim('/');

            if (element != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                XContainer lastElement = element;

                string[] splitPath = path.Split('/');

                if (splitPath != null && splitPath.Length > 0)
                    foreach (string name in splitPath)
                        if (name.Contains('|'))
                            string[] splitName = name.Split('|');

                            XContainer lastElement2 = null;

                            foreach (string name2 in splitName)
                                lastElement2 = lastElement.Element(name2);
                                if (lastElement2 != null) break;

                            lastElement = lastElement2;
                            lastElement = lastElement.Element(name);

                        if (lastElement == null) return null;

                    return (XElement)lastElement;

            return null;

        public static XElement[] GetNodes(this XContainer element, string path)
            path = path.Trim().Trim('/');

            if (element != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                int index = path.LastIndexOf('/');

                if (index > -1)
                    string leftPath = path.Left(index);
                    string lastPath = path.RemoveLeft(index + 1);

                    XElement lastNode = element.GetNode(leftPath);

                    if (lastNode != null)
                        return lastNode.Elements(lastPath).Where(x => x != null).ToArray();

            return null;

        public static string GetValue(this XContainer element, string path, string defaultValue = null)
            XElement xe = element.GetNode(path);

            if (xe != null) return xe.Value;

            return defaultValue;

        public static XElement GetElement(this XElement xe, params string[] elements)
            XElement result = null;

            if (xe != null && elements != null && elements.Length > 0)
                result = xe;

                foreach (string element in elements)
                    result = result.Element(element);
                    if (result == null) break;

            return result;

        public static XElement GetElement(this XDocument xd, params string[] elements)
            if (xd != null && elements != null && elements.Length > 0)
                XElement result = xd.Root;

                if (result.Name == elements[0])
                    for (int i = 1; i < elements.Length; i++)
                        result = result.Element(elements[i]);
                        if (result == null) break;

                    return result;

            return null;

        public static string GetElementValue(this XElement xe, XName name)
            if (xe != null)
                XElement xeItem = xe.Element(name);
                if (xeItem != null) return xeItem.Value;

            return string.Empty;

        public static string GetAttributeValue(this XElement xe, string name)
            if (xe != null)
                XAttribute xaItem = xe.Attribute(name);
                if (xaItem != null) return xaItem.Value;

            return string.Empty;

        public static string GetAttributeFirstValue(this XElement xe, params string[] names)
            string value;
            foreach (string name in names)
                value = xe.GetAttributeValue(name);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    return value;

            return string.Empty;

        public static XmlNode AppendElement(this XmlNode parent, string tagName)
            return parent.AppendElement(tagName, null, false);

        public static XmlNode AppendElement(this XmlNode parent, string tagName, string textContent, bool checkTextContent = true)
            if (!checkTextContent || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(textContent))
                XmlDocument xd;

                if (parent is XmlDocument)
                    xd = (XmlDocument)parent;
                    xd = parent.OwnerDocument;

                XmlNode node = xd.CreateElement(tagName);

                if (textContent != null)
                    XmlNode content = xd.CreateTextNode(textContent);

                return node;

            return null;

        public static XmlNode PrependElement(this XmlNode parent, string tagName)
            return parent.PrependElement(tagName, null, false);

        public static XmlNode PrependElement(this XmlNode parent, string tagName, string textContent, bool checkTextContent = true)
            if (!checkTextContent || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(textContent))
                XmlDocument xd;

                if (parent is XmlDocument)
                    xd = (XmlDocument)parent;
                    xd = parent.OwnerDocument;

                XmlNode node = xd.CreateElement(tagName);

                if (textContent != null)
                    XmlNode content = xd.CreateTextNode(textContent);

                return node;

            return null;

        public static void WriteElementIfNotEmpty(this XmlTextWriter writer, string name, string value)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                writer.WriteElementString(name, value);