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This class allows an arbitrary number of workers, each with its own thread. We'll keep track of the threads in an array. This gives us the option of Joining those threads later when we shut down the queue. Each worker thread will execute a method called Consume. We can create the threads and start them in a single loop as follows.

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;

// Producer/Consumer Queue
// This class allows an arbitrary number of workers, each with its own
// thread. We'll keep track of the threads in an array.
// This gives us the option of Joining those threads later when we shut down the
// queue.
// Each worker thread will execute a method called Consume. We can create the
// threads and start them in a single loop as follows:

public class PCQueue
    readonly object _locker = new object();

    Thread[] _workers;
    Queue<Action> _itemQ = new Queue<Action>();

    public PCQueue (int workerCount)
        _workers = new Thread [workerCount];

        // Create and start a separate thread for each worker
        for (int i = 0; i < workerCount; i++)
            (_workers [i] = new Thread (Consume)).Start();

    public void Shutdown (bool waitForWorkers)
        // Enqueue one null item per worker to make each exit.
        foreach (Thread worker in _workers)
            EnqueueItem (null);

        // Wait for workers to finish
        if (waitForWorkers)
            foreach (Thread worker in _workers)

    public void EnqueueItem (Action item)
        lock (_locker)
            _itemQ.Enqueue (item); // We must pulse because we're
            Monitor.Pulse (_locker); // changing a blocking condition.

    void Consume()
        while (true)// Keep consuming until
            // told otherwise.
            Action item;
            lock (_locker)
                while (_itemQ.Count == 0)
                    Monitor.Wait (_locker);
                item = _itemQ.Dequeue();
            if (item == null)
                return; // This signals our exit.
            item(); // Execute item.

// Usage
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

public class Program
    static void Main()
        PCQueue q = new PCQueue (2);

        Console.WriteLine ("Enqueuing 10 items...");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            int itemNumber = i; // To avoid the captured variable trap
            q.EnqueueItem (() =>
                Thread.Sleep (1000); // Simulate time-consuming work
                Console.Write (" Task" + itemNumber);

        q.Shutdown (true);

        Console.WriteLine ("Workers complete!");