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A Value Object cannot live on its own without an Entity. An object that represents a descriptive aspect of the domain with no conceptual identity is called a VALUE OBJECT. VALUE OBJECTS are instantiated to represent elements of the design that we care about only for what they are, not who or which they are. The following is a C# base class that gives all the Framework Design Guidelines requirements, as well as the Domain Driven Design requirements, without any additional logic from concrete types.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;

// ============================================================================
// Generic Value Object
// ## Value Object Requirements
// In the Domain Driven Design space, a Value Object:
// - Has no concept of an identity
//      - Two different instances of a Value Object with the same values are
//        considered equal
// - Describes a characteristic of another thing
// - Is immutable
// Unfortunately, in nearly all cases I've run in to, we can't use Value Types
// in .NET to represent Value Objects.  Value Types (struct) have some size
// limitations (~16 bytes or less), which we run into pretty quickly.  Instead,
// we can create a Reference Type (class) with Value Type semantics, similar to
// the .NET String type.  The String type is a Reference Type, but exhibits
// Value Type semantics, since it is immutable.  For a Reference Type to exhibit
// ## Value Type semantics, it must:
// - Be immutable
// - Override the Equals method, to implement equality instead of identity,
//   which is the default
// Additionally, Framework Design Guidelines has some additional requirements I
// must meet:
// - Provide a reflexive, transitive, and symmetric implementation of Equals
// - Override GetHashCode
// - Implement IEquatable<T>
// - Override the equality operators
// ## Generic Implementation
// What I wanted was a base class that would give me all of the Framework Design
// Guidelines requirements as well as the Domain Driven Design requirements,
// without any additional logic from concrete types.  Here's what I ended up
// with:
// Author: Jimmy Bogard
// ============================================================================

public abstract class ValueObject<T> : IEquatable<T> where T : ValueObject<T>
    public virtual bool Equals(T other)
        if (other == null)
            return false;

        var t = GetType();
        var otherType = other.GetType();

        if (t != otherType)
            return false;

        var fields = t.GetFields(
                         BindingFlags.Instance |
                         BindingFlags.NonPublic |

        foreach (var field in fields)
            var value1 = field.GetValue(other);
            var value2 = field.GetValue(this);

            if (value1 == null)
                if (value2 != null)
                    return false;
            else if (!value1.Equals(value2))
                return false;

        return true;

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj == null)
            return false;

        var other = obj as T;

        return Equals(other);

    public override int GetHashCode()
        var fields = GetFields();

        var startValue = 17;
        var multiplier = 59;

        var hashCode = startValue;

        foreach (var field in fields)
            var value = field.GetValue(this);

            if (value != null)
                hashCode = hashCode * multiplier + value.GetHashCode();

        return hashCode;

    private IEnumerable<FieldInfo> GetFields()
        var t = GetType();

        var fields = new List<FieldInfo>();

        while (t != typeof (object))
                BindingFlags.Instance |
                BindingFlags.NonPublic |

            t = t.BaseType;

        return fields;

    public static bool operator ==(ValueObject<T> x, ValueObject<T> y)
        return x.Equals(y);

    public static bool operator !=(ValueObject<T> x, ValueObject<T> y)
        return !(x == y);

// ============================================================================
// The Tests
// Just for completeness, I'll include the set of NUnit tests I used to write
// this class up.  I think the tests describe the intended behavior well enough.
// ============================================================================

public class ValueObjectTests
    private class Address : ValueObject<Address>
        private readonly string _address1;
        private readonly string _city;
        private readonly string _state;

        public Address(string address1, string city, string state)
            _address1 = address1;
            _city = city;
            _state = state;

        public string Address1
            get { return _address1; }

        public string City
            get { return _city; }

        public string State
            get { return _state; }

    private class ExpandedAddress : Address
        private readonly string _address2;

        public ExpandedAddress(string address1, string address2, string city, string state)
            : base(address1, city, state)
            _address2 = address2;

        public string Address2
            get { return _address2; }


    public void AddressEqualsWorksWithIdenticalAddresses()
        Address address = new Address("Address1", "Austin", "TX");
        Address address2 = new Address("Address1", "Austin", "TX");


    public void AddressEqualsWorksWithNonIdenticalAddresses()
        Address address = new Address("Address1", "Austin", "TX");
        Address address2 = new Address("Address2", "Austin", "TX");


    public void AddressEqualsWorksWithNulls()
        Address address = new Address(null, "Austin", "TX");
        Address address2 = new Address("Address2", "Austin", "TX");


    public void AddressEqualsWorksWithNullsOnOtherObject()
        Address address = new Address("Address2", "Austin", "TX");
        Address address2 = new Address("Address2", null, "TX");


    public void AddressEqualsIsReflexive()
        Address address = new Address("Address1", "Austin", "TX");


    public void AddressEqualsIsSymmetric()
        Address address = new Address("Address1", "Austin", "TX");
        Address address2 = new Address("Address2", "Austin", "TX");


    public void AddressEqualsIsTransitive()
        Address address = new Address("Address1", "Austin", "TX");
        Address address2 = new Address("Address1", "Austin", "TX");
        Address address3 = new Address("Address1", "Austin", "TX");


    public void AddressOperatorsWork()
        Address address = new Address("Address1", "Austin", "TX");
        Address address2 = new Address("Address1", "Austin", "TX");
        Address address3 = new Address("Address2", "Austin", "TX");

        Assert.IsTrue(address == address2);
        Assert.IsTrue(address2 != address3);

    public void DerivedTypesBehaveCorrectly()
        Address address = new Address("Address1", "Austin", "TX");
        ExpandedAddress address2 = new ExpandedAddress("Address1", "Apt 123", "Austin", "TX");

        Assert.IsFalse(address == address2);

    public void EqualValueObjectsHaveSameHashCode()
        Address address = new Address("Address1", "Austin", "TX");
        Address address2 = new Address("Address1", "Austin", "TX");

        Assert.AreEqual(address.GetHashCode(), address2.GetHashCode());

    public void TransposedValuesGiveDifferentHashCodes()
        Address address = new Address(null, "Austin", "TX");
        Address address2 = new Address("TX", "Austin", null);

        Assert.AreNotEqual(address.GetHashCode(), address2.GetHashCode());

    public void UnequalValueObjectsHaveDifferentHashCodes()
        Address address = new Address("Address1", "Austin", "TX");
        Address address2 = new Address("Address2", "Austin", "TX");

        Assert.AreNotEqual(address.GetHashCode(), address2.GetHashCode());

    public void TransposedValuesOfFieldNamesGivesDifferentHashCodes()
        Address address = new Address("_city", null, null);
        Address address2 = new Address(null, "_address1", null);

        Assert.AreNotEqual(address.GetHashCode(), address2.GetHashCode());

    public void DerivedTypesHashCodesBehaveCorrectly()
        ExpandedAddress address = new ExpandedAddress("Address99999", "Apt 123", "New Orleans", "LA");
        ExpandedAddress address2 = new ExpandedAddress("Address1", "Apt 123", "Austin", "TX");

        Assert.AreNotEqual(address.GetHashCode(), address2.GetHashCode());
