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C# Extension methods for the CancellationToken class.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Cancellation Token Extensions
// Taken from the SignalR Library:
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See
// in the project root for license information.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;

namespace Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Infrastructure
    internal static class CancellationTokenExtensions
        private delegate CancellationTokenRegistration RegisterDelegate(ref CancellationToken token, Action<object> callback, object state);

        private static readonly RegisterDelegate _tokenRegister = ResolveRegisterDelegate();

        public static IDisposable SafeRegister(this CancellationToken cancellationToken, Action<object> callback, object state)
            var callbackWrapper = new CancellationCallbackWrapper(callback, state);

            // Ensure delegate continues to use the C# Compiler static delegate caching optimization.
            CancellationTokenRegistration registration = _tokenRegister(ref cancellationToken, s => InvokeCallback(s), callbackWrapper);

            var disposeCancellationState = new DiposeCancellationState(callbackWrapper, registration);

            // Ensure delegate continues to use the C# Compiler static delegate caching optimization.
            return new DisposableAction(s => Dispose(s), disposeCancellationState);

        private static void InvokeCallback(object state)

        private static void Dispose(object state)

        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes", Justification = "This method should never throw since it runs as part of field initialzation")]
        private static RegisterDelegate ResolveRegisterDelegate()
            // The fallback is just a normal register that capatures the execution context.
            RegisterDelegate fallback = (ref CancellationToken token, Action<object> callback, object state) =>
                return token.Register(callback, state);

            return fallback;

            MethodInfo methodInfo = null;

                // By default we don't want to capture the execution context,
                // since this is internal we need to create a delegate to this up front
                methodInfo = typeof(CancellationToken).GetMethod("InternalRegisterWithoutEC",
                                                                 BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance,
                                                                 binder: null,
                                                                 types: new[] { typeof(Action<object>), typeof(object) },
                                                                 modifiers: null);
                // Swallow this exception. Being extra paranoid, we don't want anything to break in case this dirty
                // reflection hack fails for any reason

            // If the method was removed then fallback to the regular method
            if (methodInfo == null)
                return fallback;


                return (RegisterDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(RegisterDelegate), null, methodInfo);
                // If this fails for whatever reason just fallback to normal register
                return fallback;

        private class DiposeCancellationState
            private readonly CancellationCallbackWrapper _callbackWrapper;
            private readonly CancellationTokenRegistration _registration;

            public DiposeCancellationState(CancellationCallbackWrapper callbackWrapper, CancellationTokenRegistration registration)
                _callbackWrapper = callbackWrapper;
                _registration = registration;

            public void TryDispose()
                // This normally waits until the callback is finished invoked but we don't care
                if (_callbackWrapper.TrySetInvoked())
                    // Bug #1549, .NET 4.0 has a bug where this throws if the CTS

        private class CancellationCallbackWrapper
            private readonly Action<object> _callback;
            private readonly object _state;
            private int _callbackInvoked;

            public CancellationCallbackWrapper(Action<object> callback, object state)
                _callback = callback;
                _state = state;

            public bool TrySetInvoked()
                return Interlocked.Exchange(ref _callbackInvoked, 1) == 0;

            public void TryInvoke()
                if (TrySetInvoked())